First Nations Fund - Central-West Orana REZ

This is a preview of the FNF - Part A - Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

About the grant

* indicates a required field.

Instructions for Applicants

Before completing this application form, you should have read the First Nations Fund (FNF) Guidelines and have them handy for reference

Please note the important information below regarding your application:

  • Your application is not officially submitted for consideration until you click 'Review and Submit' at the end of the form. Once submitted, your form cannot be varied without contacting the team on the details below to have it reopened.
  • Allow enough time to complete your application, consider the time to upload files.
  • Ensure you save your application regularly to avoid losing any information. The save button is located at the top and bottom of each page.
  • If you are unsure or unclear about any part of the application form, please contact us prior to submitting on 1300 679 673 from 8.30am to 4.30pm or email and quote your Application Number.

To help you prepare your application, additional information and resources are available on the EnergyCo webpage, including how to access local application support, relevant application templates, and frequently asked questions.

This field is read only. 

Program Details

The NSW Government has committed $10 million to the Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) First Nations Fund (the FNF). The purpose of the FNF is to build capacity of Aboriginal organisations through the delivery of programs, services, infrastructure or future planning activities that are designed to reflect local needs and provide enduring benefit for local Aboriginal communities within the Central-West Orana REZ.

The opportunity is an open, non-competitive grant round, being delivered in two streams. The application process is identical for both streams.

The First Nations Fund application form has been split into 2 parts so that DRNSW and EnergyCo can work with prospective applicants to confirm eligibility and then provide applicant support to assist with the completion of the application process.

Part A (this application) requires applicants to answer a series of questions in relation to eligibility.

Part B will be provided once eligibility has been confirmed and covers the more detailed aspects of the application. Local, independent grant writing assistance is available (free of charge) should applicants require assistance to complete Part B.

This field is read only. The program this submission is in.

Program Key Dates

Please refer to the EnergyCo website for up-to-date information on the FNF.

Applications open

9am, Monday 15 July 2024

Applications close*

4pm, Tuesday 14 July 2026

Application outcomes date

From October 2024

*Applications may close sooner if funding committed exceeds 80% and / or applications under assessment reach the total funding available. Any applicants with applications in progress at this point will be notified should this occur.

Applicants are encouraged to submit applications as early as possible as applications may close sooner if funding committed reaches the total funding available.

Eligibility Confirmation

Declare this application meets the Program eligibility criteria:
  • The application is being submitted by an eligible applicant;
  • The project will deliver community benefits to the local community in the geographic area that forms the Central-West Orana REZ;
  • The project can commence within 3 months of execution of the Funding Agreement and be completed by 31 December 2028;
  • The project can be operated and maintained beyond the funding period (if applicable); and
  • I will notify DRNSW if grant funding is secured from another source, as soon as practicable.
I confirm that the applicant and project is eligible according to the criteria outlined in the Program Grant Guidelines * Required